Tuesday 1 August 2017

Forget that last post!
(Put that bugle away!)
I've just now sent my "novel" MISTER ANONYMOUS to Amazon for publication.  It supersedes what I was clumsily attempting a couple of years back with "Mastering the Master".  It's vastly superior to that and shows that a writer should always consider and reconsider and reconsider again before loosing her work onto social media.  (Maybe somebody need to tell POTUS that!  If they can tell him anything.  Has anyone else noticed by the way the similarity between his small pursed mouth and the average anus just prior to defecating?)
Yes - I feel MISTER ANONYMOUS might even be ploughing new ground in erotica - intelligent, left leaning literary porn.  I'm hoping it manages to arouse the reader but at the same time get her (and him) to question the genre.  I'm hoping!
If anyone's reading this you have nothing to lose - you can get a free sample of the novel just by clicking on the image in Amazon's website.